Tokyo Metropolitan Local Guide Biz

Tokyo Metropolitan Local Guide Biz

Tokyo Metropolitan Local Guide Biz is a portal site that introduces various local information in a directory format. The information includes restaurants, shops, companies, events, exhibitions, sightseeing spots, etc., and those information is provided by local residents. Now, we are looking for volunteers to work with us!

Tokyo has continued to develop as the capital of Japan since the Edo period when Ieyasu Tokugawa opened the shogunate in 1603. The largest number in Japan is about 14 million (2020/11), and when the daytime influx population is added to this, it is about 16.5 million, and the population continues to increase every year.

And the industry of this big city is made up of the activities of 620,000 privately owned establishments. He has a gross domestic product of 107,700 billion yen, accounting for about 19% of the national total, making him the number one in Japan.

In the ranking of the Global Power City Index released by private think tanks, Tokyo is ranked third (2020/12) for the fifth consecutive year after London and New York.

In Tokyo, which is an international hub city, more than 70% of foreign-affiliated companies are located, and corporate headquarters are concentrated, making it a hub for international business. At the same time as the accumulation of these central functions, there are also many small and medium-sized enterprises that are closely related to the region.

Small and medium-sized enterprises, which account for 99% of the number of enterprises in Tokyo, develop industrial activities such as manufacturing, distribution, and services in each region, and are the source of regional vitality. These SMEs also play an important role as a driving force in Japanese industry.

Contents Zone


Tokyo Metropolitan Gov. connects various measures to SDGs and promotes them

Under the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) adopted at the United Nations Summit in 2015, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government is implementing the “Small and Medium Enterprise SDGs Management Promotion Project” together with the Tokyo Metropolitan Small and Medium Enterprise Promotion Corporation. Efforts toward SDGs will increase corporate value and lead to the acquisition of business opportunities, which will be a major theme not only for large companies but also for small and medium-sized companies.

The SME SDGs Management Promotion Business provides services that consistently support small and medium-sized enterprises in Tokyo that are engaged in SDGs management, from the basic contents of SDGs management to the realization of their efforts. They has also held free seminars to introduce case studies by companies that are actually actively engaged in SDGs management.

Hino City in Tokyo was selected ​the “SDGs Future City” by the Japanese government in 2019, and then Toshima Ward was selected as the “SDGs Future City” and “Municipalities SDGs Business Model” in 2020. That double selection was the first in Tokyo.

Events related to SDGs and companies contributing to SDGs

SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)

SDGs has a backcasting efectivity because the SDGs are a long-term initiative. Backcasting is a way of thinking that thinks about current measures starting from the future, for example, setting difficult goals first and thinking about how to do it later.

Approaching goals and issues that cannot be solved by conventional methods with new ideas, which gives rise to very important thinking for corporate management. Details are explained on the SDGs management promotion business portal site of the Tokyo Metropolitan Small and Medium Enterprise Promotion Corporation.

Next Meats Co., Ltd.

With alternative meat, we work on solving issues such as food crisis and environmental issues

mapMarkerGrey 〒160-0022 Shinjuku 1-chōme−34−...

Tokyo promote various industrial projects with considering the 17 elements of SDGs

Startup & Venture Capital

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government is offering “NEXs Tokyo,” a startup support project that challenges wide-area expansion in Japan and overseas. It support startups aiming for wide-area expansion both in Japan and overseas while making maximum use of the resources of Tokyo, which is a center of information and human networks, in collaboration with various parts of the country.

Next Meats Co., Ltd.

With alternative meat, we work on solving issues such as food crisis and environmental issues

cat-icon 〒160-0022 Shinjuku 1-chōme−34−16, Shimizu Bldg. 2F, Shinjuku City, Tokyo, Japan

Startup & Venture Events

Computer & Software

Many IT-related companies such as the software industry and information processing / provision service industry have offices in Tokyo, which accounts for more than 20% of the total industry. Therefore, many people engaged in the software industry and information processing industry are gathered, and the human resources required for application development etc. are abundant.

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Computer & IT Events

Medical & Nursing Care, Beauty & Health

The Tokyo Metro is supporting the development of medical devices for small and medium-sized enterprises by coordinating the Tokyo Metropolitan SME Support Center and the Tokyo Metropolitan Medical Industrial Cooperation HUB Organization in order to promote the entry of small and medium-sized enterprises into the medical device industry.

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Medical & Nursing Care Events

Tourism / Entertainment

The Tokyo Metro is developing various measures such as efforts to attract tourists, disseminate tourist information, and improve the environment for accepting tourists, in order to realize the world’s best “PRIME tourist city, Tokyo”. It’s attracting foreign tourists, distributing barrier-free information, supporting location shooting, and attracting to MICE.

Satoyume Co., Ltd.

Developing sustainable regional revitalization projects in local regions of Japan

cat-icon 9th floor, Ichigaya KT Building II, 4-7-16 Kudanminami, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0074

Tourism Information

Vehicle & Transportation

The Tokyo Metro has set “promotion of practical application of advanced autonomous driving technology” as an initiative of the National Strategic Special Zone, and is conducting demonstration experiments using autonomous driving technology. In addition, it has set up the Tokyo Autonomous Driving One-Stop Center so that operations can proceed smoothly.

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Transportation Events

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Green & Environment

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government aims to achieve virtually zero CO2 emissions by 2050, and promotes the minimization of CO2 emissions by utilizing energy conservation and renewable energy, resource conservation, utilization of renewable resources, and the spread of ZEV. Furthermore, we are promoting initiatives in all fields as climate change countermeasures.

Satoyume Co., Ltd.

Developing sustainable regional revitalization projects in local regions of Japan

cat-icon 9th floor, Ichigaya KT Building II, 4-7-16 Kudanminami, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0074

SDGs & Environment Events

Smart City Icon

Safe City, Diversity, Smart City Concept

Tokyo where everyone can live with peace of mind and have hope and vitality. Sustainable and sustainable Tokyo that continues to generate growth. Tokyo shines in the world as an engine for Japan’s growth. In order to create “Smart Tokyo,” the Tokyo Metropolitan Government has three goals: “Safe City,” “Diversity,” and “Smart City.” They are making various efforts such as industry-government-academia demonstration experiments and deregulation with the aim of converting to digital services, improving the quality of life (QOL) of Tokyo residents, and aiming to lead the world in Tokyo.

Realization of Tokyo version Society 5.0 “Smart Tokyo”

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government has set three pillars for the realization of smart Tokyo. The first is the “TOKYO Data Highway,” which prepares a 5G and Wi-Fi environment and actively opens up assets owned by Tokyo. The second is to make information such as education, medical care, industry, transportation, and regions digital and smart. “City DX” that creates a mechanism for data sharing and utilization and improves the quality of administrative services. The third is the “Tokyo Metropolitan Government DX,” which promotes digital transformation such as the digitization of administrative procedures. Under these three pillars, various measures are being developed.

Smart Tokyo Initiative Area

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government is aiming to implement cross-sectoral services in cities using cutting-edge technologies, etc., with the aim of realizing “Smart Tokyo,” which draws out the potential of Tokyo with the power of digital technology. In the area where data and advanced technology are accumulated in Tokyo, select a project to build a model of service development in multiple fields utilizing real-time data, AI, etc. That are closely related to the area, and consider building a social implementation model.

Smart City Related Clips In The Kanto Region
Clip List
If you want to see the related clips, click or tap the playlist icon displayed at the top of the clip screen and find for your favorite clip.

Information on community development in the Tokyo / Kanto area such as smart cities and regional revitalization

Introducing information on community development projects in which companies, organizations, and institutions in the Tokyo / Kanto area participate.

Exhibition / event information on community development in the Tokyo / Kanto area

Introducing events related to community development held in areas including Tokyo, Kanagawa, Chiba, Saitama, Gunma, Tochigi, and Ibaraki prefectures.



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東京23区、多摩地域、島しょ地域にはそれぞれ独自の産業構造を形成しています。ものづくり産業については、地域別事業所数では東京23区に 84.4%が集中し、中でも大田区が最も多く 10.9%、続いて墨田区が 8.4%となるなど、東京23区に集積するものづくり産業は大きな存在感を示しています。また、事業所数という量的な側面だけでなく、大田区墨田区板橋区をはじめとした各地域には、独自の技術や製品を持つ中小企業が数多く存在しています。



東京都 はものづくり産業を持続的に発展させていくために、伝統と革新をテーマに、日本を支えてきた伝統的な匠の技と最先端のものづくり技術の魅力を発信する、「ものづくり・匠の技の祭典」を2016年から毎年開催しています。さまざまな分野の優れた技を、観るだけでなく自ら体験するなど、東京を訪れる海外の方を含めて、入場料無料で誰もが楽しむことができるイベントです。3日間で約3万人の来場者があります。

関連する他の動画を見たい場合は、表示中の動画を一度再生し、左下に表示されるスキップボタンをクリック (タップ) すると次の関連動画が見れます。



Korokke Entertainment Foods Co., Ltd.

Mimicry entertainer Korokke developed franchise business of croquette specialty store

mapMarkerGrey 5-chōme-3 Kōjimachi, Chiyoda C...

Tokyo Metropolitan SME Support Center

A public institution that develops business support services for SMEs in Tokyo

mapMarkerGrey 1-9 Kanda Sakuma-cho, Chiyoda-...

Satoyume Co., Ltd.

Developing sustainable regional revitalization projects in local regions of Japan

mapMarkerGrey 9th floor, Ichigaya KT Buildin...



2021年1月現在、東京都は世界12の都市 (ニューヨーク市、北京市、パリ市、ニュー・サウス・ウェールズ州、ソウル特別市、ジャカルタ特別市、サンパウロ州、カイロ県、モスクワ市、ベルリン市、ローマ市、ロンドン市) と姉妹友好都市関係を締結し、スポーツ、環境、文化など幅広い交流を行っています。今後は姉妹友好都市に限らず、戦略的に協力関係を構築すべき都市を選定し、二都市間都市外交の推進を図っています。

アメリカ ニューヨーク市

米国最大の都市・ニューヨーク市は、最高水準の世界都市、金融センターであり、国際連合 (United Nations) の本部所在地でもあり、世界の政治、経済、文化、ファッション、エンターテインメントなどにも牽引・影響を与えています。ブロンクス、ブルックリン、マンハッタン、クイーンズ、スタテンアイランドという5つの行政区に分けられニューヨーク都市圏の人口は1,940万とされ米国最大です。


This video is created by NYCgo

フランス パリ市



This video is created by Travel The World

イタリア ローマ市



This video is created by turismoroma

イギリス ロンドン市

930 万人の人口を持つヨーロッパ域内で最大の都市圏を形成するイギリスの首都ロンドン市は、芸術、商業、教育、娯楽、ファッション、金融などあらゆる分野において強い影響力もち、世界をリードするニューヨーク市と同様世界をけん引する最高水準都市の1つです。フランス・パリの都市的地域に次いで欧州域内で第2位となる人口を有し、ロンドンの都市圏の人口は1,500万人に達し、欧州域内では最大です。

2014年に都知事がロンドンで市長と面会し友好都市提携について提案。2015年にロンドン市長 (ボリス・ジョンソン:現・イギリス首相) の来都時に友好都市関係樹立に係る共同宣言に調印。都市づくり・環境・文化交流・交通・観光・大規模なスポーツイベントの開催の分野において交流・協力を行うことにも合意しました。

This video is created by Visit London


東京の食品製造業は、都内に約 1,200 の事業所があり、製造品出荷額は年間約 7,800 億円に達します。これは業種別で第4位を占め都内の経済活動を支える重要な産業となっています。 東京都が設置した 東京都立食品技術センター を中心に、加工技術の高度化、地域の特産品の開発、販路開拓などの中小食品製造業者を支援。都内産の農林水産物を活かした商品開発など、生産現場との連携を重視した支援を展開しています。

Next Meats Co., Ltd.

With alternative meat, we work on solving issues such as food crisis and environmental issues

mapMarkerGrey 〒160-0022 Shinjuku 1-chōme−34−...



認証を受けた食品には、東京都独自のマーク(通称「E マーク」)を付けることができ、都ではこれらの食品を「東京の特産品」として、各種イベント、ウェブサイト等で PR しています。

東京都地域特産品認証食品として認証された食品の中には、(公財) 東京都農林水産振興財団農林総合研究センター において開発・改良された「TOKYO X」「東京しゃも」「東京うこっけい」などもあります。



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世界の5大ファッションショーの1つ、Rakuten Fashion Week TOKYO は、海外に日本の優れた繊維・ファッション製品、サービス等の情報を発信し、「東京」を「世界でオンリーワンの繊維・ファッション基地」の一つとして確立すると共に、さらには、アジアの中心的なファッション発信拠点としてゆくことを目指し、毎年春と秋の2回開催しています。

また同じタイミングで、ビジネス商談を目的としたファッション展示会「ファッション ワールド 東京」も毎年春と秋の2回開催されています。こちらはアパレル、バッグ、シューズ、アクセサリー、生地・素材・服飾資材などを扱う約 350 の企業と、約 17,000 名の来場者が世界中から集まる、日本最大のファッション展示商談会です。






日本交通公社 政策投資銀行が2020年6月に実施した調査によると、コロナ終息後に旅行したい国・地域で、アジア居住者は1位に日本をあげ、欧米豪移住者は1位米国の次に日本をあげています。日本は海外から魅力的な国として伝わっていることがうかがえます。過去に東日本大震災(2011年)、MERS(2012)といった危機がありましたが、それまで訪日外国人旅行者数は年間1千万人未満(2004~2012年)だったのが、2012年以降に急激な伸びを見せ2019年には約3,100万にとなっています。

東京都は現状を踏まえ、都民による都内観光促進、全国からの誘客に向けた取組を強化、そして将来のインバウンド需要の回復を見据えた、日本各地と連携した海外向けPRや、一般訪日外国人の消費額よりも2.5倍あるとされる MICE 関連の訪日外国人の誘致活動に力を入れるなど、さまざまな取組を図っています。


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国のグローバル拠点都市に選定されたスタートアップ・エコシステム 東京コンソーシアム。国際競争力の強化、スタートアップの創出や成長、ひいては東京の経済の持続的な発展を実現し、また、スタートアップ・エコシステムによるイノベーションを社会に実装し、地域に還元する活動を目的としています。


東京・関東エリアでの実証実験・研究 関連レポート


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