愛媛県 ローカルガイド・ビズ

Ehime Prefecture Local Guide Biz

Ehime Prefecture Local Guide Biz is a portal site that introduces various local information in a directory format. The information includes restaurants, shops, companies, events, exhibitions, sightseeing spots, demonstration experiment etc., and those information is provided by local residents. We are currently looking for volunteers to help us build Local Guide Biz together Now, we are looking for volunteers to work with us!

Ehime Prefecture’s population and GDP

Ehime Prefecture is located in the northwestern part of Shikoku, with a plain facing the Seto Inland Sea on the north side. And on the south side, mount Ishizuchi (1,982m) is the highest mountain in western Japan. The population is about 1.339 million, ranking 28th out of 47 prefectures (2019).
It has the largest population among the Shikoku region (Ehime, Kagawa, Tokushima, and Kochi Prefectures) and it has the highest GDP (2018: 4.8 trillion yen). (From 2018 Population ranking by prefecture).

Industrial structure of Ehime prefecture

I would like to rank the shipment value of manufactured goods in Ehime Prefecture by industry. The highest percentage was 17.4% for nonferrous metals at 728.4 billion yen. Second, pulp paper accounted for 13.7% at 574.1 billion yen. The third was petroleum and coal at 570.3 billion yen at 13.6%, and the fourth was “transportation machinery” at 401.2 billion yen at 9.6%. These four industries were accounted for 54.3% of the total. In the field of fisheries industry, the production of Farmed Sea Breams, striped jacks, pearls, etc. is the no. 1 in 47 prefectures in Japan. The sea surface aquaculture industry produced 68.4 billion yen, which is equally the no. 1. In the field of fruits, mandarin oranges are famous. They are called “Ehime mandarin oranges”. It ranks first in japan in the production of Iyokan, Ponkan, Kiyomi, and Setoka. Kiwifruit is also in first place. (From 2018 Prefectural Economic Calculation

Number of tourist visitors and unit consumption in Ehime Prefecture

On the tourism side, the number of domestic travelers visiting Ehime Prefecture in 2019 was about 6.28 million. It is the 44th out of 47 prefectures and the third in the Shikoku region. Traveler to Ehime Prefecture, where you live in Japan, the unit price per consumption is 22,000 yen, which is about the middle unit price level nationwide. The number of foreign visitors to Ehime Prefecture was about 112,000. This was 41st in Japan and second only to Kagawa Prefecture in shikoku region. The unit price per consumption of foreign travelers was 41,000 yen. (From Ranking of 47 Prefectures of Japanese and Foreign Visitors to Japan in 2019)

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愛媛県 は長年取組んできた地球温暖化対策でSDGs活動を展開

えっか ECCCAでSDGs活動

愛媛県 は地球温暖化対策に関する普及啓発の拠点として「愛媛県地球温暖化防止活動推進センター Ehime Center for Climate Change Actions」通称 (えっか ECCCA) を設けています。地球温暖化対策をベースに、持続可能な社会の実現するための目標 SDGsの取組みも行われています。環境講座・環境セミナーの実施、自治体や団体との支援・協力活動、家庭での取り組みを促すうちエコ診断など、こうした活動で県民が「ECOの視点」を持ち、自ら考え、判断し、行動できるよう産官学連携で取り組んでいます。






愛媛県は、内閣府の「 SDGs未来都市 」には選定されていません (2021年9月時点)。また四国地方の他3県もまだ選定はされていません。愛媛県内では、松山市がSDGs未来都市に2020年度に選定。また同時に自治体SDGsモデル事業としても選定されています。その他には、西条市が2021年度にSDGs未来都市と自治体SDGsモデル事業としても選定。



SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)



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