Kanagawa Prefecture Local Guide Biz

Kanagawa Prefecture Local Guide Biz

Kanagawa Prefecture Local Guide Biz is a website that introduces information about Kanagawa Prefecture in a directory format. This site provides information about restaurants, stores, companies, organizations, exhibitions events, famous sightseeing spots, demonstration experiments. It is an information site that supports the Kanagawa’s local community by providing information. Now, we are looking for volunteers to work with us!

Kanagawa Prefecture has a population of 9.2 million (2020), it is the 2nd largest prefecture in Japan (Tokyo is the 1st). Kanagawa is the only prefecture in Japan that have three ordinance-designated cities (Yokohama, Kawasaki, and Sagamihara). Kanagawa Prefecture has many natures, but in other hand, it is located in the Tokyo metropolitan area and has international trading ports such as Yokohama, Kawasaki, and Yokosuka, and it is beside to Tokyo International Airport (Haneda Airport).

The gross prefectural product in 2018 was 35.7171 trillion yen, which is equivalent to the economy of the Philippines or Finland. In the Kanagawa Prefecture, approximately 790,000 commutes to Tokyo and other prefectures. Because of it, the nominal gross prefectural income (= nominal gross prefectural product) exceeds the nominal gross prefectural product by approximately 6.6 trillion yen.

According to the results of the 2016 Economic Census Activity Survey, Kanagawa Prefecture has 287,942 business establishments (5.4% of the Japan, 4th in Japan) and 199,200 companies (5.2% of the Japan, 4th in Japan). In terms of percentage compared to the other country, there are many establishments of the “real estate and goods leasing” and “education and learning support” sectors, and the number of employees is getting larger in the “academic research, professional and technical services” and “information and communication”.

Contents Zone


Realize a “Magnetic Prefecture of Kanagawa that Makes the People’s Lives Sparkle” by involving SDGs

Under the slogan of “Kanagawa, the Magnet for Life,” Kanagawa Prefecture has been ensuring safety and security of the environment, energy, and agriculture, in order to brighten the lives of its citizens and all aspects of “life”. (not only in medical care)

They have been developing comprehensive measures to maintain their business in a sustainable manner for the future. Also they are promoting measures in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which were adopted at the United Nations Summit in 2015.

With the aim of promoting the SDGs in cooperation with all stakeholders, including municipalities, companies, universities, NPOs, and citizens, Kanagawa Prefecture has created the “Kanagawa SDGs Action Policy”, which provides examples of SDG-related measures, their roles, and efforts to promote them. In June 2018, Kanagawa Prefecture was selected as one of the prefecture that is “SDGs Future Cities” and “Municipal SDGs Model Projects” in recognition of its advanced initiatives.

Yokohama City, Kamakura City, and Odawara City were selected as “Autonomous SDGs Model Projects”, and Kawasaki City and Sagamihara City were selected as “SDGs Future Cities” by Japan (Secretariat for Regional Development Promotion, Cabinet Office).

SDGs activities in Kanagawa Prefecture!
Check out SDGs related events and companies contributing to the SDGs!

SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)

On January 30, 2019, Kanagawa Prefecture announced the “SDGs Japan Model” declaration with the endorsement of 93 municipalities at the “SDGs National Forum 2019” held jointly with Yokohama City and Kamakura City and with the cooperation of other SDG future cities.

This declaration expresses the idea and determination of local governments to promote the SDGs from the local level in cooperation with the national government, companies, organizations, schools, research institutes, and residents, aiming to solve local issues and create local communities.

Aeon Tennocho Shopping Center

A “lifestyle experience” shopping center with 42 specialty stores opens in Yokohama City

mapMarkerGrey 3-5 Kawabecho, Hodogaya Ward, ...

Kanagawa promote various industrial projects with considering the 17 elements of SDGs

Startup & Venture Capital

The Kanagawa “KSAP”, a program that invites and selects startups that can solve social problems and issues that are difficult to solve through business, and supports the realization of social value and business expansion of the startups by mentoring and network support.

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Product Development Story

Computer & Software

Technological advances such as AI & IoT are creating innovative digital products and services and the generation, collection, and accumulation of various data. Kanagawa is actively working on the utilization of various data from the two aspects of “informatization of life” and “informatization of administration”.

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IT, AI, IoT Events

Medical & Nursing Care

For health care, Kanagawa Prefecture is promoting a “health care new frontier” policy that combines the two approaches “pursuing the latest medical treatment and technology” and “improving pre-disease conditions” to extend healthy life and create a new sustainable social system.

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Medical & Nursing Care Events

Tourism & Attraction

In order to promote the attraction of Japan and foreign tourists to Kanagawa and revitalize the local economy, the Kanagawa Sightseeing Charm Creation Conference has been established with the aim of discovering and refining the prefecture’s diverse tourism resources and developing tour routes.

Pacifico Yokohama

One of the world's largest MICE complexes, has a record of hosting international conferences

cat-icon 1-1-1 Minato Mirai, Nishi Ward, Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture 220-0012

Tourism Information

Robot & Robotics

Kanagawa Prefecture established the Sagami Robot Industry Zone in 2013. This zone is to promote the development and demonstration of robots, raise public awareness, and encourage the integration of related industries. The target areas are 12 cities and towns including Sagamihara City, Hiratsuka City, Fujisawa City, Chigasaki City, and Atsugi City.

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Robot & Robotics Events

Energy / Recycling

In 2014, Kanagawa Prefecture formulated the Kanagawa Smart Energy Plan and it is working to expand the introduction of renewable energy. It aims to create a smart community by promoting energy creation, energy saving, and energy storage, and these are formed by utilizing ICT and other technologies in energy management systems (EMS).

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Energy / Recycling Events

Smart City Icon

Promoting local production and local consumption of energy to create a smart community in Kanagawa Prefecture

Kanagawa Prefecture is promoting an EMS (Energy Management System) service demonstration project to address local issues by working on the installation of distributed power sources such as solar power generation equipment with the aim of creating a smart community.

Various experiments are also being conducted in other cities in the prefecture, including the Yokohama Smart City Project and Fujisawa Sustainable Smart Town (Fujisawa SST) in Fujisawa City, which are developing from experiments to implementations.

Fujisawa Sustainable Smart Town

Fujisawa Sustainable Smart Town ( Fujisawa SST ), located in Fujisawa City, Kanagawa Prefecture, is a public-private partnership between Fujisawa City and partner companies that are promoting advanced approaches to low-carbon urban development and the creation of new lifestyles using advanced technologies, using the Panasonic (formerly Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.) Group’s former factory site as a base for environmentally creative town development.

As a smart town where 1,000 families continue to live, we have realized urban development is not based on technological infrastructure, instead of it, it is based on the lifestyle of each and every resident. The town management company listens to the voices of the citizens, incorporates new services and technologies, and continues to develop into a sustainable town.

Smart City Related Clips In The Kanto Region
If you want to see the related clips, click or tap the playlist icon displayed at the top of the clip screen and find for your favorite clip.

Information on city development in Kanagawa and the Kanto area, including smart cities and regional revitalization

Information about community development projects in which companies, organizations, and institutions in Kanagawa and the Kanto area are participating.

Manufacturing companies, supporting the economy of Kanagawa Prefecture

Kanagawa Prefecture is included in the National Strategic Special Zone in Tokyo, which is led by the national government and promoted as a unit by the national, local, and private sectors.

Also, various projects that revitalize industries and create a sustainable economy in the prefecture are in progress to promote the creation and development of growth industries, such as cutting-edge medical industries, pre-symptomatic industries, and robot-related industries by Keihin Coastal Area Life Innovation International Strategic Comprehensive Special Zone, Sagami Robot Industry Special Zone, and so on.

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“Technical Show Yokohama”: the manufacturing trade fair

The Technical Show Yokohama is one of the largest manufacturing trade fairs about industrial technology and products in Kanagawa Prefecture. It is held every February for three days at the Pacifico Yokohama venue. Also, more than 800 exhibiting companies and organizations from other prefectures participate.

The 42nd edition of the exhibitions in 2021 was held online for the first time, and ran for approximately two weeks from Monday, February 15 to Friday, February 26. As with face-to-face exhibitions, it has enabled the extensive dissemination, collection, and exchange of information across industry boundaries, creating business opportunities such as the expansion of sales channels for technologies and products. The website continues to be open to the public after the exhibition ends.

Manufacturing Videos in Kanto Region from YouTube
If you want to see the related clips, click or tap the playlist icon displayed at the top of the clip screen and find for your favorite clip.

Corporate support, consulting firms, organizations and institutions

Associations, organizations, and support companies that provide services, support, and various assistance for business development, start-ups, and office environments in Kanagawa Prefecture.

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神奈川県 の強みを生かした国際展開と、国際展開を支える人・ネットワークづくり、多文化共生社会づくり

社会・経済のグローバル化が加速する中、神奈川でくらす外国籍県民等や海外進出している県内企業は増加しており、神奈川と世界との結びつきはますます強まっています。 産業の国際競争力の強化やインバウンド消費の向上、外国人材の育成・活躍支援などにより県内経済を活性化していくこと目指し、企業の海外展開支援や外国企業の誘致などに取り組んでいます。

さまざまな分野における神奈川の魅力や先進的な取組みを世界に強力に発信し、神奈川の強みを生かした積極的な国際展開を推進するとともに、神奈川と交流相手先の国・地域などの双方にとって、メリットのある交流を戦略的に進めます。 グローバル化に対応した人づくりや海外とのネットワークづくりを促進することで、神奈川の地域や経済の活性化につなげます。

神奈川県 と友好交流関係にある世界の各地域

2021年2月現在、神奈川県 は世界8の都市 (メリーランド州・米国、遼寧省・中国、バーデンビュルテンベルク州・ドイツ、京畿道・韓国、オデッサ州・ウクライナ、ペナン州・マレーシア、ヴェストラジョータランド県・スウェーデン、ゴールドコースト市・オーストラリア) と友好交流関係にあり、相互の経済発展や観光振興など地域の発展を促す交流など多様な分野において実効性ある交流を推進しています。

アメリカ メリーランド州

メリーランド州は、アメリカ合衆国の首都ワシントンD.C.に隣接し、大西洋に面した白い砂浜や西部に連なる山脈があるなど自然環境に恵まれています。 アメリカ有数の国際貿易港であるボルチモア港をかかえ、ハイテク産業や重化学工業が盛んで、政府・企業の研究開発機関が数多くあります。 メリーランド州は、産業構造をはじめ、地理、気候、人々のくらしぶりなどが多様性に富むことから、「アメリカの縮図」といわれています。


This video is created by Visit The USA

ドイツ バーデン=ビュルテンベルク州



This video is created by RegierungBW

ウクライナ オデッサ州



This video is created by Visit Odessa

スウェーデン ヴェストラジョータランド県


1977年、長洲県知事がスウェーデンを訪問し、日本大使館において民際外交の趣旨を説明したところ在スウェーデン大使が共鳴、エリック・フス エーテボリブーフス県知事に対する仲介を得ました。1978年にフス県知事が来県。これが契機となり交流が始まりました。

This video is created by West Sweden / Västsverige

神奈川県 の農林水産物のブランド力の強化を図る

神奈川県 内産農林水産物のブランド力を高めるため、かながわブランドや、県内産の農林水産物を積極的に取り扱う販売店や飲食店などの「かながわブランドサポート店」の登録を推進し認知度向上を図っています。また県内で生産された食材(農林水産物)を県内で消費する地産地消の活動にも力を入れ、地元の生産者と消費者の繋がりを作る事で地域の活性化にもつながっています。

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神奈川県 は東京湾と相模湾の2つの海に面していてさまざまな水産物が水揚げされます。県は認知度を高める為に、県内で獲れる代表的な魚を11種類(マダイ、アナゴ、シャコ、マダコ、キンメダイ、サバ、マグロ、アジ、シラス、ヒラメ、アユ)選び「かながわの魚」として定めました。また、代表的な水産加工品は、かながわの海苔、三浦のわかめ、横須賀のこんぶ、まぐろ・かじき加工品、小田原かまぼこ、などがあります。


畜産物では、神奈川県 の系統豚を活用し、高品質な豚肉、加工品や、県が品種改良した系統豚など特徴ある豚肉あります。また、黒毛和種の生粋かながわ牛、足柄牛、さがみ牛、湘南和牛などのは神奈川県の代表牛です。その他にも神奈川県畜産技術センターで開発された「かながわ鶏」は、かみしめるほど味わい深いモモ肉で、ジューシーなムネ肉、旨みの凝縮された皮、コクのあるスープと評判です。


神奈川県 には指定銘菓制度があり、県内で味・意匠・技術等が特に優れた菓子を県指定銘菓とし、県内菓子業界の振興並びに県内の観光・物産振興に努め、2年に1度、「神奈川県名菓菓子コンクール」を実施しています。


神奈川県 のアパレル産業で代用的な製品と言えば横浜スカーフはその1つです。横浜市の地場産業として生産されてきたシルク製のスカーフで、世界最高水準の製版、染色、縫製の技術で作られ1976年には日本国内生産量の90%、世界生産量の50%を横浜スカーフが占めていました。また再び注目を浴びている神奈川・横浜のアパレル製品です。

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抑えておきたい 神奈川県 内のショップ、レストラン・カフェ、名所


Aeon Tennocho Shopping Center

A “lifestyle experience” shopping center with 42 specialty stores opens in Yokohama City

mapMarkerGrey 3-5 Kawabecho, Hodogaya Ward, ...


日本交通公社 政策投資銀行が2020年6月に実施した調査によると、コロナ終息後に旅行したい国・地域で、アジア居住者は1位に日本をあげ、欧米豪移住者は1位米国の次に日本をあげています。日本は海外から魅力的な国として伝わっていることがうかがえます。過去に東日本大震災(2011年)、MERS(2012)といった危機がありましたが、それまで訪日外国人旅行者数は年間1千万人未満(2004~2012年)だったのが、2012年以降に急激な伸びを見せ2019年には約3,100万にとなっています。

神奈川県 では、新型コロナウイルスの感染防止対策をしながら、安心して旅行を楽しんでいただくため、「感染しない!させない!旅行者のための感染防止サポートブック」を作成するとともに、「観光かながわNOW」において、「混雑状況の見える化」を行っています。


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神奈川・関東エリアでの実証実験・研究 関連レポート


Supporter / Sponsors